Installation Test Troubleshooting

If an installation test result does not indicate success, please check the common causes for the failure reason below:

Communication Failure

Common causes of a Communication Failure include:

The device is not properly powered

Check that you still have a good voltage reading at the device, and the voltage is NOT lower than the voltage at the vehicle's battery. The device must be powered BEFORE starting the test.

The device is installed in an obstructed manner

Move the device away from large metal obstructions and other antennas.

The device is in an area of poor cell coverage

Move the vehicle to an area of stronger cell signal, or try to run the installation test again. Because the test is instantaneous, it may take two or three tries to succeed in areas of poor coverage.

GPS Failure

Common causes of a GPS Failure include:

The communication test is failing

The GPS test will not succeed unless communication with the device has been established.

The device is installed under a metal obstruction

Move the device so it is not installed underneath any metal objects like the radio, and has a direct line of sight to the sky.

The device is installed at the wrong orientation

Check that the device is installed with the label side DOWN.

The device has not been powered long enough to get a GPS lock

Try waiting the full countdown period before starting the test.

The vehicle has an obstructed view of the sky

Move the vehicle so that it is outside and has a clear view of the sky (not under any metal garage roofs, etc).