A User belongs to an account and allows access to the information in that account by a person or software application. In the system, there are three types of users: * **Normal User**: These users access the system via a username and password. The system will send these users a welcome email with a link to create a username and password, and will ask for that username and password each time they sign-in. The primary email address will not receive any subscribed alerts until the user either verifies the email address or creates their username. * **Guest User**: These users access the system via an access key. The system will automatically create the key and include a "guest access link" in all future email and texts that are sent to the user. The primary email address will start receiving subscribed alerts immediately. This is less secure than a Normal User, but is more convenient for users who only need limited or occasional access, because the user does need to create or remember a username and password. * **No-Access User**: These users are not allowed to sign-in to the system. You can use No-Access Users to create "dummy" placeholders when assigning a [[ticket]] or when recording who installed a device, or for sending email/text alerts to addresses which are not really associated with any other user. The primary email address will start receiving subscribed alerts immediately.